A Personal Message from the Queen Mother about the Flooding in Ghana

The Chief Executive,
Women of Power & Transformation, Inc.
807 West White Horse Pike, Unit # 303,
Cologne, NJ 08213

November 6, 2023

Dear Sir / Madam,

The Akosombo Dam is a crucial source of power for Ghana. On September 15, this year, the Volta River Authority began spilling water from the dam in order to protect the structural integrity. Heavy rains from northern Ghana in previous months, has increased the volume of water in the reservoir beyond the maximum operating level.

Because the rate of water spillage was less than the water intake in the reservoir of the dam, the spillage was increased from October 9, 2023.

Unfortunately, communities in low-lying areas along the banks of the Volta Lake have experienced a devastating impact of the flooding of historical magnitude.

According to the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) in Ghana, Mepe, Battor, Sogakope, Mafi, Adidome, and Ada among 56 communities have been affected. Schools have closed, food, shelter, and clean water is in short supply, and medical aid is terribly needed. Toiletries are badly needed.

Cholera and other diseases are beginning to raise their ugly head due to uncomfortable sanitary situations.

Women and children especially are very vulnerable to the current situation.

I hope your good person and the Organization will find it appropriate to assist in providing some of the needed relief items for this endeavor.

I anticipate a favorable response and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely,

Naa Adese Omanye

Make a Donation Today

  • $0.00
100% of all donations made to Women of Power and Transformation will be used to support the flood victims in Ghana. Your donation is tax-deductible.
EIN: 27-0270684

Support Ghana:

Join WOPAT’s Mission to Raise $20K for Flood Victims in Urgent Relief Effort

Below is the list of items your donations will be used to help those in much need in Ghana:

  • Rice
  • Flour
  • Tomatoes
  • Sanitary Items
  • Canned Food
  • Cooking Oil
  • Second Hand Clothing
  • Baby Formula
  • Mattresses
  • Soda
  • School Supplies/Items
  • Soap & Hygiene Products
  • a Token for the Widows in the Affected Community
  • $0.00
100% of all donations made to Women of Power and Transformation will be used to support the flood victims in Ghana. Your donation is tax-deductible.
EIN: 27-0270684